
Davmail setup
Davmail setup

#Davmail setup windows

  • 4.1 Thunderbird, Lightning and DavMail for Windows usersĪs the WUR is now using Two Factor Authentication for logins, the settings below no longer work.
  • davmail setup

    4 using Lightning calendar with Thunderbird.

    davmail setup

    1.2 Old information for local Exchange environment.1.1 Configuration for Microsoft Office365 hosted WUR mails.Python (187) Ubuntu (81) OpenContrail (79) OpenStack (79) Django (69) Linux (67) Horizon (27) Networking (27) VMware (27) OpenStack Neutron (26) Git (25) OpenStack Heat (24) Puppet (24) OpenvSwitch (22) Keystone (21) OpenStack Dev Tips (19) go (19) golang (19) linux network namespace (19) Libvirt (18) Cloud (17) Horizon Dev Tips (16) Openstack debug (16) Amazon (15) Keystone Dev Tips (15) EC2 (14) PyS60 (14) Machine Learning (13) MySQL (13) CentOS (11) Tempest (10) iptables (10) zeromq (10) ESXi (9) TensorFlow (9) Xen (9) OpenStack Icehouse (8) OpenStack Tempest (8) Pyramid (8) ironic (8) Eucalyptus (7) KVM (7) Openldap (7) Pylons (7) RabbitMQ (7) VIM (7) Vagrant (7) pip (7) qemu (7) Modem (6) Mutt (6) Mutt Email Client (6) qemu-img (6) vEth (6) vEth interfaces (6) Contribution to OpenStack (5) Debian Packaging (5) DevStack (5) Fedora (5) FreeNAS (5) GRE (5) GRE Tunnel (5) OpenStack Packaging (5) OpenStack zeromq (5) Postgresql (5) SQLAlchemy (5) Teamviewer (5) Ubuntu Video Converter (5) opencloudblog (5) tacker (5) unittest (5) vCenter (5) vSphere (5) virtualenv (5) ARP (4) ClearOS (4) OpenDaylight SDN Controller (4) OpenStack Debug Tips (4) OpenStack Glance (4) OpenStack Networking (4) OpenStack Unit Test (4) PowerShell (4) Python Packaging (4) SVN (4) Screen (4) Skype (4) Subversion (4) Ubuntu 14.04 LTS (4) Virtualization (4) Windows (4) opencontrail vnc api (4) python unittest (4) Captcha (3) Cubietruck (3) Exim Mail Server (3) Havana (3) LXC (3) Linux Bridge (3) Linux Containers (3) MooTools (3) Network layer (3) OCR (3) OpenStack CLI (3) Proxy (3) S3 (3) Sublime Text (3) Tesseract (3) Ubuntu 12.04 (3) cloud-init (3) expect (3) haproxy (3) iptables REDIRECT target (3) port forwarding (3) under-cloud (3) virsh (3) ARP Table (2) Apache (2) Boto (2) EasyInstall (2) Ext JS (2) Flask (2) GNS3 (2) Google Chrome (2) IRC (2) JavaScript (2) Jenkins (2) Mobile (2) MongoDB (2) NFS (2) Netbeans (2) OpenStack Ceilometer (2) PDB (2) Python Debugging (2) Python Distutils (2) Python SetupTools (2) Rspec (2) SDN (2) ShellScript (2) Tox (2) VLAN (2) VXLAN (2) WSGI (2) WorkBench (2) apt-key (2) cherry-pick (2) dsetia (2) github (2) ipmitool (2) lsof (2) netconf (2) neutron (2) ovftool (2) python mox (2) quanta (2) run_tests. My_hdr From: by newest conversation first. Set message_cachedir=~/.mutt/cache/bodies Set imap_keepalive=900 # Set lower if connection times out msmtp is simpler to configure and adequate for single user email needs. * Sendmail is the standard for SMTP, but that is not simpler if you’re just setting up a single user local email environment. * The rest of the settings can be left at defaults. * Then type " " in 'OWA (Exchange) URL' text field. * Then select "EWS" from 'Exchange Protocol' dropdown. * Right Click on "DavMail" icon, select "Settings".

    davmail setup

    * Or type "davmail" in terminal and press enter * You can then launch DavMail via the Applications/Internet menu.

    Davmail setup