For example, if my calculator said you should be losing fat at the rate of 5lbs a month but you lose 6 pounds of fat, then you know that for you, you need to add 116 calories ((3500x1)/30) per day to whatever the calculator tells you. At the end of the two months, see how the calculator's predicted results compare with reality. Choose a calculator, count calories for two months while carefully monitoring your bodyfat with a skinfold caliper and weighing yourself every day. How does walking 8hours a day like a postman does compare to 20 minutes of HIIT? How does a 60 minute powerlifting workout compare to a 2 hour bikeride or a 1 hour swim? The thing thats really, really tough to take into account is the exercise and its effect on the BMR. The BMR calculation allows you to estimate the number of calories (one calorie equals 4 kilo. The calculator is based on the Harris-Benedict equation.

It also generates a perfect customized meal for you with proper portion size to help you achieve your goal. You can use either the metric or US measurements for this online tool. This calorie calculator calculates the optimal calorie intake and macro-nutrient values to lose fat or gain muscle. This number is useful for figuring out how much you should eat to lose weight, maintain weight, or gain weight. This calculator will tell you the number of calories per day you should consume to maintain your existing weight based on the resting BMR. In short, your BMR is how many calories your body burns at rest.

First, although the equations used to calculate this are complex, they are just a very good educated guess! They could be off by 10% but this is far,far better than any chart or rule of thumb but not nearly as good as the real world. This calculator helps you figure out your Basal Metabolic Rate or BMR.